Third Time Lucky
Well, I couldn’t resist! To my new subscribers – please don’t leave, I promise the next post will be about mosaic !
How The Sky Becomes Blue
I have posted the animation again this time from vimeo because it fills the screen and I think this looks better! [vimeo w=400&h=300] I made the soundtrack by mixing 2 tracks of birdsong that I recorded with my daughters ipod with a drumbeat from a keyboard. All very low-tech!
Crafty Animators
I was so taken up with the flu and with Carlos Ruiz Zafon’s novel in the last post that I forgot to wish you all a very happy 2011! So here it is – HAPPY 2011! (and may all your wishes come true!) The first exhibition I am involved in this year is a bit…
Stop Motion Animation and Svankmajer
I like making my mosaic animations, they bring another dimension to my work. It is a way to experiment and develop the original idea, and really bring the mosaics to life. Then the work can metamorphose in a much more spontaneous way than through my mosaic series. It takes a bit of time, but no more…
Big Bird
It is too cold to work in my shed. I have an energy saving heater in there – so energy saving it barely warms up above 0 degrees. Even with my thermals and my fingerless gloves, I am still too cold to work. It is mostly my feet. I wear two pairs of socks, the…
[youtube=] Just made this stop – motion animation using two photos of the mosaic “Rain” that I made in 2005.
The Lemon Tree
New stop-motion mosaic animation. [youtube=]
The Tree
Stop motion mosaic animation. This is a “raw scrapbook” version. “The Tree” questions man’s relationship with nature. The song “niebo placze” is Polish and means “the sky is crying”. This was a bonus as I chose it first for the music which seemed to fit the animation so perfectly. It is best played in HD…