Mid Winter Flight

Mid Winter Flight

                                       Keep Warm and Safe … see you in 2017                                                                  x                                                                  🙂 Save Save Save

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Guardian Ash

The Somerset Guild of Craftsmen’s next exhibition is called “Whither The Ash” – it appears to be a very topical theme at the moment, not surprisingly, as we are still losing our beautiful trees. I can’t exhibit my sculpture of “The Last Tree” (see last post) made in response to this issue at the Guild…

Soda Trees and Violins

We all know how refreshing it is to look at kids art. Unrefined, naive, thoughtful and completely original!  Sometimes artists try hard to bring that naivety back. Some succeed but others fail, perhaps  they have learned too much about techniques and the world in general. Maybe the best way is not to learn the techniques and not…