Devon Open Studios 2022
For the first time this year I’m participating in Devon Open Studios and I’ll be throwing open my doors to visitors.
I’ll have a menagerie of birds and mythical creatures (including a couple of flying ships) adorning the walls and a large cartoon and progress so far of a new mural mosaic commission.
Meanwhile in the studio and garden next door to me , Zoe Singleton will be showing contemporary stone carving, garden bowls, sculpture and lettering.

The peacock (pictured) is one of my latest wall sculptures. I loved integrating the wires, I found it changed the look and feel of the work by adding an element of movement and elegance.
Here’s some more pieces of my work you’ll expect to see if you visit me during open studios weeks, or if you are not able to get to me here’s a taster.

The Dragonship was inspired by a mash up of myths!
Firstly by a Norse flying ship known as “Naglfar” or “Naglfari” , a ship made of toe nails and fingernails of the dead which carries monsters to the final battle of Ragnarok at the end of days. I fashioned gold lipped oyster shell into shapes to represent the toe and fingernails. My vision was that it was taking the dead to the afterworld and I included a dog at the helm which reminds me of Anubis – Egyptian god of the dead.

Below is a table sculpture called The First Wave which is based on another mash up , a story of creation and features the primordial waters, moon and sun, Adam and Eve, the serpent, apple and dinosaurs! Hmm, unscramble that one 🙃

(I’m intending to make ’The Last Wave’ in due course 🥺)
Here’s another flying boat inspired by creation mythology.
This is A Golden Winged Ship is Passing My Way (title stolen from Jimi Hendrix song ‘Castles Made of Sand’)

As you see I have started to incorporate other objects as well as wire into my work. The gilded toys introducing a solid, lively and textural element. I love how the plastic toys, once gilded, remind me of iron and bronze age art from places such as Mesopotamia and Egypt. Those modern plastic cultural objects are transformed into imagined ancient cultural objects that suit the mythical themes in my work.
And here’s three ducks, not really based on anything mythological but they are something I’ve been wanting to make for a while. A modern version of the 1960’s Coronation Street flying ducks.

For directions and opening times please visit
Hope to see you soon!
Hope it goes well Kate. Wonderful art, as always!
Thank you Ian 😊