Seeing Starlings Sculpture Launch
For the last few weeks I have been making starlings for a sculpture trail on Shapwick Heath nature reserve along the Avalon Marshes in Somerset. As you know I have become completely obsessed with these amazing birds even after they have left the area! I wanted to make my own flock so that would always be here.
I started the project with a series of workshops where I was able to teach 11 students a bit or all of the process to make a bird sculpture. The design was one I developed prior to the workshops so I could teach them by step-by-step demonstration.
This got the birds off to a flying start (!) and I completed unfinished sculptures and made new ones to make a final 21 starlings plus one that will be in the gallery. Here are a few in various stages of progress…
Like my 2d starling mosaics I used iridescent black glass tile, and mixed it with plain black glass. I used copper sheet for the beaks and they are grouted in black. I think they look pretty good, here’s one…
This project took some planning. The main problem being how to install them so they would be secure and wouldn’t be prone to too much movement in the wind which could casue them to hit each other and break. My first idea was to weld the metal armature wires onto a vertical curved pole but I felt that the final piece would be too cumbersome and could be difficult to install. I then spent several days considering other options, such as welding them horizontally along a tube, onto rigid metal mesh, or inserting the bird wires into various types of tubing. Eventually I chose the latter idea using bamboo. Not only was it a good support structure (the bird wires fitted perfectly into the bamboo sheath) but it would also blend in well with the reeds in the background. The bamboos are also strong and cheap.
So they were cut to various sizes and the holes drilled open and tried out and tested in my garden before sinking them into buckets of concrete.

6 buckets later …
…and I am wondering if they will all go in the car to the site…
Come back next week to find out if they did and see the starlings installed! (hopefully!)
Alternatively, if you don’t live far away come to our Launch Day next Sunday 24th May at Somerset Crafts gallery (where there will be photos of the works as they progressed) and along Shapwick Heath for the Sculpture Trail. There will be several sculptures by fellow members of Somerset Crafts inspired by local wildlife and myth.
Looking good, Kate. Great project. If you’re doing another one, though, I’d suggest you put ‘cement mixer’ on your Christmas wish list!!!
Thanks Tracey, I normally borrow one, just didn’t get round to finding one this time!
Hi Kate
Hope you’re good. The starlings are gorgeous – hope you are pleased with them?
Hi Kate. Thank you, yes I love them! Really looking forward to seeing them installed in their own environment! Best wishes to you.