Take a Break Makes
If you are just starting out on your journey in mosaic you have probably already looked at lots of Youtube videos, googled mosaic art and pinned lots of inspiration on Pinterest.
Maybe you have considered taking my Imaginary Mosaic Cafe taster course or perhaps you have already finished it. The course will give you all the information you need to start and make your first mosaic using glass and ceramic mosaic tiles.
If you haven’t found it yet , check it out HERE. The taster course is FREE until the end of this month of March, so please take this opportunity to enrol and find out how to make your first mosaic.
I’m pleased to say I already have my first 5 reviews which you can read on the same page.
Wow Sunset Coaster

If you want some more inspiration I have a step by step mosaic masterclass to make a Wow Sunset Coaster in this months (March 2021) issue of Take a Break Makes magazine. Purchase your copy here.
To make the coaster download the free template here and buy the tiles here .