Abroad in Bath
I had to invigilate the BANA (Bath Area Network of Artists) exhibition in Bath today, where I am exhibiting my Chagall inspired mosaic “Bella’s Secret”. Before I went to the gallery, my partner and I stopped off for a coffee, mint tea and baklava in a Moroccan restaurant. To my delight their was a mosaic on the wall. I got chatting with the owner, who is Moroccan, and he told me he was inspired by a huge mosaic in a restaurant in Marrekech, and so commissioned an artist to make a smaller version of it. I love the geometric design that although simple, the small pieces make it intricate, and the natural colour of the clay which hasn’t been glazed, just bisque (biscuit) fired , making it look subtle, earthy and ancient. So very different to my work in colour, but perhaps not so different in intricacy and design.

Hi,see my zillij top table/panel 100 x200 cm for 8 pt-star n 24 pt-star at