How can you not be inspired by a Solar Eclipse?
There is a reality TV programme about random families or couples watching the TV, and we watch their reactions and comments on the programmes they are watching. I quite like the concept of watching people watching, it’s a sort of voyeuristic voyeurism. I suppose if you were studying psychology or sociology, you might find it quite an interesting programme but I’m afraid I have only so far managed to watch about 2 minutes of it before having to switch the channel over. I caught a little bit the other day when they were watching a report about the recent solar eclipse. She said something like “that’s amazing, isn’t it Bill?” and Bill says “no, I don’t know why everyone is so worked up about it, I don’t care what the moon and the sun are doing…”
WHAAAA???? What is wrong with you??? You wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for the sun and the moon!!!!
I nearly threw something at the TV, but not wishing to be too tempestuous or break the screen, I decided to finish my solar eclipses I had started the day before.
As I watched the partial solar eclipse from my garden this year through the filter of hazy clouds, I experienced the same exciting feeling I had whilst watching the total eclispse in 1999. It was like watching a silent magical dance, and each peep of the sun felt like time had stopped still, meanwhile the garden was gradually cast into moon shadow with a strange eerie half light.
These are a small series of total and partial eclipses, made using slate and genuine gold leaf glass tile . I have presented them as a treasure in a smart white box frame .
I really wanted to make an animated series of these, but I only had the 4 backing slates at the time and that wasn’t quite enough. As I am sourcing some more I might return to this idea in the near future.
If you like my little treasures you can buy them on my Artfinder shop.