The Last Tree at Delamore
As luck would have it I got a message from a friend from Somerset Crafts who saw my post on facebook asking if anyone could recommend a courier for my 150kg sculpture. He is a stone sculptor so he has a heavy duty trolley and used to lifting heavy lumps of stone. Not only that he offered to drive it down to Delamore!
Here is John Candler lifting the sculpture into the van.
At Delamore I could choose the spot I wanted. There was a choice of open lawns or wooded areas. I went for a wooded area although I had imagined it would be good in an open space with no trees!
If you want to read about the symbols and runes the are three posts about it click here for the final post (and back for the other two)

The Last Tree and Chorus at the Wake of the Sun will be resident at Delamore for the Delamore Arts exhibition for the month of May. To see the catalogue of art click here
Stunning work.
I particularly admire the way you use the negative space to outline the some of the animals.
Highly expressive use of symbolism throughout. I enjoyed reading the stories behind your work and appreciation for the natural world.
Thank you Luis, I appreciate you thoughtful comments. It is an interesting way to work and quite tricky! I like “drawing in grout”. The series I made in 2007 “How the Sun Wakes Up” was made this way at the time because I wanted the background colours of the sky to be the same as the colour of the bird to highlight the idea that the bird was one with the sky. I used the same technique in “The Last Tree” to imitate the runes and symbols carved onto Viking standing stones.
It looks amazing, Kate. I love those little eggs!
Thanks Karen. Good time for eggs!