
Little Birds’ Day Out!

I thought you should know that I am out of my winter hibernation early and I have taken up jogging to sweep away the cobwebs and the excess fat gained from the Christmas booze and chocs! So full of energy I am, with plans for new projects and with some already completed. But more of that in the next post…

This time I want to tell you about my little (hanging) birds who chirruped away for a day over the hols. They went to stay with Sadie, who is a lovely kooky 20 year old student. She is also a fashion blogger and writes a popular blog called “Sadies Wardrobe.” Sadie has written a fabulous post on her blog with some gorgeous photos of her making friends with my little birds. I think they got on so well they were reluctant to return! Check out Sadie’s Blog: Sadie’s Wardrobe  and her post on my birds here

Sadie and the Birds:

Sadie and little bird
Sadie and little bird (photo by Sadie)
Sadie and little birds
Sadie and little birds (photo by Sadie)

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