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Bones of Saints

Yes, Yes, I know it is one of the songs on Robert Plant’s new album “Carry Fire” ! However, this time it was synchronicity, I had already made these by the time I heard of his new song! If you don’t understand this connection I have with Robert Plant then check out my last post!

These are some of the other exhibits I have at the exhibition Traces Revealed at Glastonbury Abbey.

Bones of Saints

One of the bones is gilded, and edges are gilded and they are all painted with glow in the dark paint. In the dark they come alive as you see here!

Kilner jars seemed like a perfect modern reliquary container! They are gilded and decorated with jewels, string and liquid leaf.

Here are some more of my exhibits from the exhibition…

It had to be done … not that I’m a Saint or anything!

Artist’s Reliquary box

Oh yes he wuz!


 Traces Revealed continues until January 28th 2018.

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