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Disappearing Sun

I have wanted to make this piece for sometime now, and finally I have got round to it. It is a development of a mosaic I made in 2011 called “Gathering Darkness“. It is one of my favourite pieces and despite several of my customers asking if they could buy it, I have found I am too attached to it and it remains above my fireplace with occasional excursions to exhibitions, where I price it so high that no-one can touch it!
This is Gathering Darkness:

Gathering Darkness

The sun in this mosaic is the point of departure for my new piece. There is so much energy and movement in the sun that I wanted to make a sequenced mosaic to illustrate the changes of the sun. It is like other series I have made; as if stills of an animation.
I decided on 10 parts, as this was just enough to complete the story. Each part is 10cm x 10cm being the same format as a piece I made in 2009 “Ten Phases of the Sun” (below) a commission made for the Bilston Gallery to celebrate their 10th birthday:

Ten Phases of the Sun

So to the present – Here is my new piece, made with the same materials as “Gathering Darkness” – (Venetian smalti and gold leaf glass.)

This is “Disappearing Sun

Disappearing Sun

Here is a slide show so you can see the details:


And this is what happens when I play about with the images!


Thanks for reading and watching 🙂

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