
Solar flares and charity project

London mosaic artist Karla Duterloo has been working hard lately organizing a mosaic art project to  raise funds for the Esther Benjamins Trust.  www.ebtrust.org.uk

EBT has a mosaic studio in Nepal, providing essential employment for young workers rescued as children by the Trust.

Mosaic artists around the globe have sent Karla a 20 x 20 mosaic which will be donated to the North West London Hospitals NHS Trust, starting with the Central Middlesex Hospital. Karla will  make a “Blurb for Good” book in which each mosaic will be featured and all proceeds will be sent to EBT.

You can see more donated mosaics on  Karla’s blog here

Here is my contribution. If you like it please give a donation to the trust. You can do it here

Solar Flare

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