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How can you not be inspired by a Solar Eclipse?

There is a reality TV programme  about random families or couples watching the TV, and we watch their reactions and comments on the programmes they are watching. I quite like the concept of watching people watching, it’s a sort of voyeuristic voyeurism. I suppose if you were studying psychology or sociology, you might find it…

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Roll Up For The Greatest Show On Earth!

  Yesterday evening just before the sun went down I managed to close shop at Somerset Crafts down on the Avalon Marshes in Somerset in time to see thousands and thousands of starlings swooshing over the gallery and on down to the heath. This happens every year at about this time and we have many visitors…

The Three Trees

The Three Trees

I have been playing with my jigsaw again and made  four new pieces of work for  “Six”  – an     exhibition showcasing six local makers – at the Hawthorn Gallery, Blandford Forum, Dorset. The exhibition began on 14th January and runs until 22nd March 2014. The series is called “The Three Trees” and illustrates the four…