
I am lucky enough not to have a problem with finding inspiration – hence the reason I always have more than one mosaic happening at a time. I remember when I started my degree in Creative Arts back in 1986, I had no ideas, and my first piece of work was a self portrait collage with…


Didn’t get far building a sledge yesterday, but walked across the fields with the kids to the village. The snow is blowing across the fields like a sand storm. It is so fine, not like the wet slushy stuff we usually have. On the steepest hill just above the village there are quite a few…


I had a manic morning finishing a model for a commission entry. Then taking the photos , printing them  and putting together the statement, and cv. It is a crafts council competition , the commission is to make a work for a UK  official VIP gift at the Shanghai exposition. The entry needs to be…