I got the postcard on Thursday – both pieces of work stamped with the word "unplaced" which I suppose is a politically correct way to say "rejected"!
I went to collect the work on Friday with my friend. A lady ushered us through the gallery where most of the selected work was on the walls, and took us into a back room to a mosaic sculpture of a woman. No it’s not mine I said, I took a fleeting glimpse at it’s form and colours. It was well made and quite beautiful and for a moment I wondered if they had mixed up the rejects with the accepted works of art! I asked the usher if there was any feedback about why I was rejected but she said she didn’t know as she wasn’t a society member. She said "we do have a mosaic in the exhibition this year, the first one ever in the show" to which I replied in the flatest tone I could muster "I had one in last year"!
Of course I am delighted (if not a bit envious) that there is a mosaic in the show, and regretted not asking her if I could look at it. I will have to find time to visit the show at some point.
This is a little video expressing my disappointment, (tongue in cheek style of course). I am dedicating it to all my friends who have also suffered the humility of rejection from an art exhibition. By blowing it all out of proportion, I can be a real prima donna!
Love it! Just get it out of your system. Perfect!
Thanks Birgitta – yes, otherwise I will sit here feeling bitter and twisted!